Changes + A Little Update

Sunday, February 22

Long time no see! You may have noticed things have been quiet around here the past 2 months. Well, Fern + Moss is going through a little evolution. What started out as a space for sharing and discussing natural alternatives to conventional cosmetics, is now growing and expanding into something a little more holistic. I try and live a conscious life in so many ways,  and whilst I often stumble on this rocky path, it's exciting, empowering and so much fun.

I have much more to discuss than what foundations I like or what cleanser I'm using at the moment. There is definitely room for that - and there will still be plenty of beauty talk - but it won't be the sole focus of this blog anymore. A conscious lifestyle is a rich tapestry of independent thinking, creativity and passion, and it's with those ideals that Fern + Moss will now be exploring - Conscious Living for the Modern Woman.

I absolutely love this natural beauty and green living community, but needed a break to re-evaluate what I really wanted out of this blog. I hope you'll all continue to join me for the ride! :)

Much love, Chesca x
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  1. Hi Chesca,

    I love the concept you're going for - good luck for your branching out from conscious beauty to conscious living! I'll keep checking back for your posts, I love linking up with other likeminded bloggers.


    Besma (

  2. Looking really nice! Looking forward to read more :-) x

  3. I'm so excited to hear from you. I can't wait for your new content to come out. Hopefully, you continue to do YouTube videoes as well.

    1. Ah thank you lovely. Yes I will definitely be continuing Youtube :)

  4. I know this is a really late comment...I've been catching up on blog posts! So exciting, I'm looking forward to reading your new posts :)
